Master's Program in Geography

Geographies of Globalization: Markets and Metropolises


In our global age, people face a multiplicity of challenges across different spatial scale levels ─ from the local to the global. Understanding and dealing with these challenges is at the heart of our research-oriented master's program "Geographies of Globalization". What is driving processes of globalization? How do global markets function and what are the strategies that transnational corporations pursue? Why and how is globalization linked to spatial disparities? What significance does globalization have for cities and regions ─ what socio-economic disruptions does it cause and how can we deal with them?

The Master's program builds on the strengths of the Department of Human Geography in Frankfurt and offers two profiles: "Urban Studies" and "Economic Geography". The program commences every year in the winter term (October) and takes two years to complete. In addition to human geography, admission is open for candidates with a wide range of social science backgrounds such as political science, sociology, economics and management or anthropology.

In Orientierung an ausgewählten Forschungsfeldern der lehrenden Professorinnen und Professoren besteht außerdem die Möglichkeit, Zusatzzertifikate in den Bereichen "Digitale Geographien", "Mobilitätsforschung" sowie "Wohungsforschung" zu erwerben. Dafür müssen mindestens zwei Prüfungsleistungen sowie die Masterarbeit zu Themen des jeweiligen Zertifikats erbracht werden. Über die inhaltliche Anerkennung der Leistungen entscheiden die Sprecherinnen und Sprecher der Zertifikatskommissionen (siehe Download-Bereich). Es kann nur ein Zusatzzertifikat, ggf. zusätzlich zu einem Schwerpunktzertifikat, erworben werden.

At the start of the program, students take basic modules in human geography and globalization studies. Subsequently, they choose advanced modules on "Culture and Society", "Economy and Region" and "Politics and Governance" in one of the two profiles. Students gain additional experience in their profile in courses on research design, field trips and the Master's thesis. Two international lecture series on economic geography and urban studies with world-renowned academics accompany the program. This offers students the unique opportunity to engage in discussions at the cutting edge of the discipline. With its array of courses on professional practice, the program links a strong research orientation with relevant applied problems.

The degree offers students the opportunity to study geography or a related discipline at a university abroad in the third term of the program. Students can choose between European partner universities via the Erasmus Program and selected universities with partnership agreements from outside Europe in Moscow, Toronto and New York (to be confirmed). Alternatively, students are free to suggest a university of their own choice. Those wishing to stay in Frankfurt will have the opportunity to acquire credits in a minor (political science, sociology, economics, ethnology and anthropology).

Seit dem Wintersemester 2011/12 können Veranstaltungen aus dem Bereich Mobilitätsforschung zur Anerkennung im Nebenfachbereich (Modul HG7) belegt werden. Masterstudierende in Frankfurt haben dadurch die Chance, sich vertieft mit neuen Fragestellungen zum Verständnis und auch der Steuerung von Mobilität mit dem Ziel einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung zu beschäftigen und sich für eine weitergehende Beschäftigung mit dem Thema Mobilität in der beruflichen oder wissenschaftlichen Praxis zu qualifizieren. [...mehr]

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